Home Up Teen Classes Adult Classes Remedial


**Pre-Registration Required**
Sign-up at 866-1882 or 1-800-861-3230


Bexley - 3040 East Main Street

Third (3rd) Saturday of each month 9:00am to 4:00pm.

The Certificate will be issued the same day after class.

**Pre-Registration Required**
Pre-paid -       $90.00 Cash or $90.00 Credit Card.
Day of class - $100.00 cash, $105.00 Credit Card.


Reynoldsburg - 6430 East Main Street

West Side - 341 Norton Road

**Pre-Registration Required**
Classes are $70.00 Cash or $75.00 Credit Card.

Every Thursday 8:30 am to 5:30 pm.

The Certificate will be issued the same day after class.

**Pre-Registration Required**
Classes are $80.00 Cash or $85.00 Credit Card.
Day of class - $90.00

First (1st) Saturday of each month 8:30 am to 5:30 pm .

The Certificate will be issued the same day after class.


**Pre-Registration Required**
Classes are $70.00 Cash or $75.00 Credit Card.

Third (3rd) Sunday of the Month 8:30 am to 5:30 pm.

The Certificate will be issued the same day after class.


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